Printed Printmaking
About //
Printed Printmaking is a series of 3D printed printmaking blocks that uses the original designs for the first set of emojis from 1999.
Using the 12x12 pixel emojis developed under the supervision of Shigetaka Kurita for early cellphones, I wanted to use this project to test how effective 3D printed blocks could be for printmaking. I specifically chose the pixelated emojis for the print designs because very geometric designs are sometimes harder to achieve with handcarved linoleum blocks.
Original set of 12x12 pixel emojis from 1999
3D Modeling
3D Modeling //
Using Fusion 360, I modeled a selection of the emoji designs, making sure to created a larger block base to apply pressure to during the printmaking process.
3D Printing
3D Printing //
Once I had the printing blocks modeled, I converted the files into G-code and printed them on Ender 3D printer.
In total, I printed four printmaking blocks, which I lightly sanded the surface of and prepared for printing.
Printmaking //
Prints //
This project was a cool experiment, and while the final prints were a bit patchy because of the rougher 3D printed surface, I was able to successful turn a 3D model into a printable relief block with precise edges.